South Canterbury

Planning an event?

If you’re hosting a party or celebration there are lots of things you can to do help everyone have a great time without drinking too much.

Here are some tips for being a top host:

Young people

If you’re hosting an event for teenagers, remember that it’s illegal to serve alcohol to under-18 year olds without the consent of their parent or caregiver. Get young people involved in the event planning and entertainment and keep an eye on them around alcohol.

Hiring a venue

If you’re hiring a community hall, check if there are any alcohol-related conditions. Some church or school halls have an alcohol-free policy and local council venues may have restrictions.

Young people

If you’re hosting an event for teenagers, remember that it’s illegal to serve alcohol to under-18 year olds without the consent of their parent or caregiver. Get young people involved in the event planning and entertainment and keep an eye on them around alcohol.

Hiring a venue

If you’re hiring a community hall, check if there are any alcohol-related conditions. Some church or school halls have an alcohol-free policy and local council venues may have restrictions.

South Canterbury